Saturday, November 19, 2011

What good surfing spots are there for a beginner who lives in Ontario?

I live in Ottawa Ontario currently for University, but i live near Toronto regularly. I've never surfed before and I'm wondering where some good surfing spots are located around either cities. Obviously ones that are good for beginners would be preferable.|||I know I will get some people angry when I say this, but you just can't surf without an ocean. Yes, I have seen the pictures on Youtube of guys surfing in the Great Lakes. They are surfing on the one good day of the year, in the dead of winter with a 20 fahrenheit air temp and 33 degree water temp. If you cal that funm, that's fine, I'll pass. Before you even think about surfing, there are some things you should understand. Surfing is an ocean sport, that should only be practiced by persons who are already competent ocean swimmers. Swimming in a pool is neat, but it's not ocean swimming, with undertows, rip tides and sometimes BIG waves. I have seen lots of great pool swimmers get rescued. So, my first tip on how to surf is to be at home in the ocean.There are way too many dangerous people in the water now. They are a danger to themselves and other surfers, don't join their ranks. We don't know too much about you. Maybe you already have the ocean skills.

Lessons are the best way to start. Lessons can come from a professional instructor, or surfing family members or experienced surfing friends. You have to learn surf etiquette (so the experienced surfers in the line up don't want to drown you), how to paddle and take off on a wave, and how to ride a wave. The last thing experienced surfers want is for inexperienced people to just grab a board, rush into the surf and get in our way. Lessons shorten the learning curve significantly. And they help keep ignorant, un-prepared kooks out of the water and out of the way of more experienced surfers. .

Think about taking a nice vacation this summer, and hedaing toward the ocean (the nice thing about Canada is, you have an ocean on either side, right?) Altjhough personally I would head south. There are lots of canadian tourists who frequent the New Jersey and Maryland beaches every year, join them and take some lessons.|||I don't know that Lake Erie has any good surfing. I live in Hawaii so my waves are a bit different.

Call a surf shop or a swim shop or a dive shop in town and ask them what they think.|||havent tried ontario, sorry.

For me Hawaii rocks! ;-)|||Stick to hockey, or move south.

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