Friday, December 2, 2011


Should I start to surf? What board should I get? Do I need lessons?|||despite what everyone says about seeking out an answer from a local surf shop, being a beginner you are at the same level as every other beginner...the very start.

Your best option is to sign up for a lesson with a surf group. They will go through the basic motions of surf before putting you out in the waves. They have great learner boards that float well and have great stability for the first timer. They are soft and wont break.

If you get the hang of it in your first lesson, then ask to rent/borrow a board from the school to use a few times on your own. The best way to make it work is to get out there and practice.

Don't go and buy a board straight away which some shops will insist you do. Have a lesson, make sure you like it. Borrow a board for a few more sessions and trial different boards. You will soon find out which board suits you best and one that you will be excited to ride everytime you hit the water.

Surfing is amazing. I try and surf everyday and never get sick of it. It does take time to learn, so don't be too upset if you are not out the back within your first few months of surfing. Take your time and enjoy it.

mesurf|||yes...long board|||Haha, if you live near a beach why not I used to love surfing. For a starter board try a short board (I still surf occasionally long boards are more of a pain- personally), and you might want to consider lessons unless you are someone who learns from watching.|||yeah you should start to surf, but you're gonna need a beach. lessons will help you but the best thing is probably surfing with people who know what they are doing so you can spend time with them and learn everything. and don't get a longboard like the first guy said. go to a surf shop and talk to the guys there about it and they will help you out.

PS: it is going to be very hard, and you'll need a lot of patience and hundreds of hours of practice, so be prepared.|||One lesson is all it takes. You learn the rest of it in the water on your own with surfers. Do it. Try different boards to see which one works best for you.|||long board (NSP is the best brand for beginners)

no, lessons are not necessary. If you have enough potential to start surfing, then you'll pretty much be able to learn on your own.

ask the pros at your local surf shop about what size board to get.|||Lessons are usually the best way to start, unless you are an adolescent or young adult with lots of pals who surf who can teach you. Go to a real surf shop. The folks there can hook you up with lessons, and even rent you a board to learn on. Just work on your basics, and after you feel good, think about buying a board, but don't rush into anything. And, please don't waste your time (or money) buying something on line.

After you learn to swim and master the ocean, get your REAL advice from a surf shop, where industry professionals earn their rent money selling surfboards. However, if they think you are just a 'kook' tourist out to rent a board, you won't necessarily get the best attention.

Most people learn best on long boards, although I have seen lots of surfers start on a short board and master it. In the long run, there are NO RULES on what type of board you haven to learn on. Long boards are ideal for learners. There are also good intermediate length boards to learn on, fun shapes, mini-mals and some hybrids. That is why instructors use long boards of fun boards (or even softtops).

THE REAL BOTTOM LINE IS: Go to a Surf Shop, not a computer. The pros there can give you the right answers!! I have been surfing since 1966, and have I hope you will have as much fun surfing as I have had.|||yes you should go surf, you should use a longboard. i would prefer you to go to a surf shop to pick up lessons or just go online.|||ur choice

go to a swim shop

and yes..u defenietly need lessons

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