Friday, December 2, 2011


What challenges have faced surfing overtime?|||Surfing started in the warm waters of the Pacific ocean practiced by a people who were at ease with the ocean and (mostly) with each other. When Christian missionaries found the Hawaiians surfing instead of being serious or being pious, that almost put an end to surfing.

After WWII, a lot of surfers were vets who were burned out and probably a little PSTD'ed out, and they weren't really interestedinto integrating back into conventional society (that's also where our outlaw motorcycle gangs originated). Surfing was, for a large part, a past time for "beach bums", and not very socially acceptable. It was probably the book and move 'Gidget' that helped move surfing into mainstream society.

As surfing became more acceptable, it came under fire for 'safety' reasons. As more and more tourists had to be rescued, after thinking they could surf without any lessons (or even knowing how to swim in the ocean), the more public safety organizations pushed to limit and restrict surfing.

As the surf industry has grown, and its marketing improved, thousand of new people have been introduced to surfing (which is a good thing), however, too many of these people have no respect for the ocean, the beach or each other and they are turning a beautiful ocean art into a yuppie status symbol.鈥?/a>|||Internet or beach / waves?|||going over the falls (witch is like the top of the barrel suck you down.) and eating S**T|||for me cold water(brrr...)|||John's definitely right too many retards are now trying to surf. now, only a small percentage of "surfers" are actually surfers and respect the ocean and each other

thats why we don't respect those wannabe surfers

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